
Two examples of tree bark,hard bumpy rough texture is what comes to my mind.
Bread can be either soft or hard depending on preparation. The material is also very porous and can easily hold a favorite topping.
Half of an apple on its way to drying out.
A freshly sliced orange bursting with juice.
Hard and very prickly with all of the soldering points.
Hard but smooth to the point of reflection.
Types of hair differ greatly this hair would be soft, thick, dense, very curly, and possibly wiry all at the same time.
Full lips, luscious, plump, soft, and delicate a true masterpiece.
A spiders web both delicate and strong at the same time able to hold enormous weight and still be intact.
A leaf fresh from its tree still full of life, bursting with moisture will continue to provide for its cells as it slowly dies.
A large swirling pile of paint days will pass before it begins to congeal at its exposed surfaces.
Stone, hard and supportive, the very substance that holds us up as we plod along over this planets surface.
A cardboard chair and a babies pacifier two items with very specific and limited purposes.
Here is my college and grayscale.
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